Telematics and Captives: The Future of Risk Management in the Trucking Industry
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

Insurance has always been about reducing risk, but now captive insurers are leveraging telematics data in many ways. Fleets need to understand how captives are merging and leveraging that data for underwriting and predictive analytics. Captives are using tech to project, prevent and identify losses both before they occur and in real-time. This panel will discuss the current state of telematics and insurance and how fleets can better leverage the data for risk management purposes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Walk out with an understanding of what you can start doing today to control cost.
  • Learn about how your lanes can influence your insurance expenses.
  • Understand best practices when looking to properly manage risk with your fleet.
Location Name
San Polo #3402/3403 (Level 3)