Ask-PS Best Practices: Managing your open ROs in TMT
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM

Your goal should always be to keep your open repair order count low. What does "low" mean? The dealers you work with every day have Metrics for what their open repair order count should be, and how long a repair order should remain open for. In this class, we will explore what those metrics are, how to use TMT to achieve those metrics, and the benefits of keeping your open repair order count low.

Learning objectives:

  • Dealer KPIs and Metrics for open repair orders
  • Using Pending ROs for outstanding repairs
  • TMT Best Practices for the RO Open/Complete/Closed cycle
Location Name
Lando #4202 (Level 4)
Session Track
What products does this class cover?
TMT Fleet Maintenance, TMT Service Center