Cybersecurity Panel Discussion: Real experiences from transportation industry peers and experts
Date & Time
Monday, September 25, 2023, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

This panel will discuss real cybersecurity incidents in transportation, what happened, what was done to close them, and the lessons learned in the process. We read the news, we experience the impact when our partners are victims of cyber security events, but most of us are careful not to talk about cybersecurity. This creates a gap; we lose sight of the size and impact of the problem, we don’t know what a standard plan looks like, we don’t know what helped bring the situation to a close.

Learning Objectives:

  • What are the common cybersecurity threats facing shippers, carriers and other participants in the transportation industry?
  • How did peer organizations react to cybersecurity incidents? Including how they discovered, responded and recovered and what lessons were learned in the process.
  • Develop key takeaways and a framework to establish, review, or improve your own organization’s cybersecurity response or to simply be a better leader or individual contributor to your organization’s cybersecurity.
Location Name
San Polo #3402/3403 (Level 3)