A Leadership Briefing and Discussion of Critical Issues in Trucking with ATRI Sr. VP Dan Murray
Date & Time
Monday, September 25, 2023, 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Dan Murray, ATRI’s Sr. Vice President, will dust off his crystal ball and discuss critical issues now and in the future for trucking, including a mix of operational, financial, and technical issues that impact Carriers, Shippers, Brokers & Technology Providers alike. A Q&A session toward the end will give audience members an opportunity to dig deeper. Since 1954 the American Transportation Research Institute’s analysis and reporting has benefitted both private industry and government policy.

Learning Objectives:

  • What are the critical issues facing trucking & supply chains?
  • How are these issues impacting industry participants?
  • What is being done, and what you may consider doing about these issues in your own businesses, with your customers, and at the public policy level
Location Name
San Polo #3402/3403 (Level 3)